Physical education

June 2023 - OCR Sports Studies - R186 - Sport and the Media - Topic Area 2
Updated for the live assignment for 2023-24.
Resources adapted to include new sports:
Track cycling
Table tennis
Whole-topic area PowerPoint which includes:
All areas from the specification
Allows students to access all assessment criteria
Embedded videos and discussion points to guide students towards detailed discussions in their assignments

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Comparing 2 sports leaders
PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Comparing 2 sports leaders.
The PowerPoint introduces the criteria for P2 and explains the tasks using practical examples of a professional sports leader and a local junior coach. The PowerPoint includes merit and distinction examples to allow students to understand the structure and requirements of the assignment.

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Development plan template
Development plan template to allow students to achieve the merit and distinction criteria for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities.

PE - Non-participant lanyards
Non-participant / non-performer lanyards for practical PE lessons.
Lanyards have been created to be double-sided, with an explanation of their role on the reverse.
Lanyards include the roles of:
Team manager

BTEC Sport - Unit 2 - Technical and tactical demands of sport
70-slide PowerPoint to prepare students for completing all aspects of the P4 assessment criteria with specific references to football and basketball throughout.

Training methods - Strength, Muscular endurance & Power - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
Lesson resource pack for training methods. This lesson covers the training methods for strength, muscular endurance and power.

Body Systems - BTEC Sport - Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training
Body systems powerpoint to cover P2 of the BTEC Sport Unit 3 assessment criteria.

Unit 1 - BTEC Sport - Whole unit resource pack - Fitness for Sport and Exercise
Complete pack of resources for all topics on the exam.
Detailed Powerpoint for each topic
Accompanying worksheets for several areas
Videos for all tests and training methods
Normative data for each COF test
Additional end of topic revision videos

Additional principles of training - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
Additional principles of training lesson resource. BTEC Sport Level 2 - Unit 1 (exam unit)

Training programme review - BTEC Sport - Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training
PowerPoint to allow students to effectively review their training programme. The resource covers all aspects of the P5 assessment criteria for Learning Aim D.
BTEC Sport - Level 2 - Unit 3 - Applying the Principles of Personal Training

Components of Skill-related Fitness - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets for the Components of Skill-related Fitness.
PowerPoints contain videos of all of the components of fitness and tasks to complete to prepare them for the BTEC Sport Unit 1 exam.

Flexibility Training Methods - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
Lesson resource for flexibility training methods.
Includes photos, videos and explanations of each training method to prepare them for practically performing each one.

Basic Principles of training (FITT) - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
BTEC Sport Level 2 - Unit 1 - Lesson resource for the basic principles of training (FITT)

Exercise intensity - Unit 1 - BTEC Sport
Exercise intensity lesson resource.
How exercise intensity is measured
How to calculate Max Heart Rate (MHR)
Borg RPE scale
MHR calculation questions and scenarios

BTEC Sport - Unit 1 - Whole Unit resource pack - Fitness for Sport & Exercise
Complete pack of resources for all topics on the exam.
Detailed Powerpoint for each topic
Accompanying worksheets for several areas
Videos for all tests and training methods
Normative data for each COF test
Additional end of topic revision videos

Muscular system worksheet - BTEC Sport - Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training
Worksheet to allow students to develop knowledge of the muscular system in preparation to complete the P2 assessment criteria - body systems.
BTEC Sport - Level 2 - Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training

Training diary template - BTEC Sport - Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training
Training diary template for BTEC Sport Unit 3 - Applying the principles of personal training.
Covers all content to allow students to meet all areas of the Learning Aim C assessment criteria.

Attributes of sports leaders - BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities
PowerPoint to cover all aspects of the P1 criteria for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities.
The PowerPoint covers all of the specification content and includes explanations, examples, video links and topic tasks for students to complete prior to completing their assignments.

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - P3 - Session Plan
PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities.
The PowerPoint includes:
All specification content
Session plan example
Guidance and considerations for each section of the content
Risk assessment explanation and example
Tasks for students to complete prior to their assignments

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading session
PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities.
The PowerPoint includes:
Tasks to evidence the leading of the sports session
Examples of peer feedback sheets
Distinction-student examplar